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Historic Triennial Congress concludes

Delegates set priorities, elect leadership of UCC

October 31, 2022 –  The historic XXVII Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians concluded yesterday in Winnipeg, MB. The delegates set the priorities and elected the leadership of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress for the next three years. The Congress was attended by over 400 delegates and guests.

The theme of the Congress – Stronger Together – В Єдності Сила – Tous ensemble – set the stage for three days of deliberations, workshops and discussions that developed the policy directions for the UCC for the next three years. The Triennial Congress unanimously re-elected Alexandra Chyczij as National President for a second term.

“A dynamic and energetic Triennial Congress set the direction for the UCC for the next three years. We will continue to prioritise support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in the heroic defence of their country and freedom in Europe,” stated President Chyczij. “I am honoured by the trust placed in me by the Triennial Congress to serve a second term as President. I look forward to working with the new Board of Directors in serving our community. We have much work ahead of us, and I’m certain that together we will make the vision of the Triennial Congress a reality!”

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