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Martin Veltmann wins Toronto Estonian Chess Club Fall Chess Tournament

The Toronto Estonian Chess Club held their 5 round Fall Active Swiss system tournament (30 minutes per player)on November 24th, at the Estonian Baptist Church . Nine players entered the tournament with the hope of winning at the “Game of Kings”. The players ranged in age from eight to eighty-three. Martin Veltmann and Jaak Järve tied for first, with 4 points, but Martin won on tie-break. Second place went to Jaak Järve. There was a three way tie for third place between Brendan Munro, Jaak Triefeldt and Farhad Bokaee with three points. Jaak Triefeldt won third place by tie-break.

The rest of the field results were as follows: Peter Sigmundt 2 points; Mai Vomm Järve 1.5 points; Xian Wei Järve 1.5 points; Timo Spence .5 points.

Martin Veltmann – 1st place, Jaak Järve- 2nd place, Jaak Triefeldt- 3rd place (2018)

The tournament was wild in the sense that, blunders were made and time trouble played a large factor in many games . Thank you to Mai Kipper from the Estonian Baptist Church who put on a large coffee urn to keep our chess players well lubricated during the 5 rounds of chess.

The next active tournament will be in April of next year. If you are interested in playing chess and participating in our tournaments please contact Jaak Jarve at 416-222-9445 or email

Jaak Jarve, Toronto




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