There were 4 Helle’s present at the December 4th celebration! 1. Long-time Amicitia member, Helle Arro, was one of the co-organizers of the event. 2. Helle Tõsine attended the party with husband, frater esticus Tõnu Tõsine, who was also a member of the organizing committee. 3. Helle Varrik, another long-time amica, brought 3 of her grandchildren to meet Santa – six-year old Ryder, four-year old Henry and one-and-half-year old Audrey. And the 4th was Helle Kalep, who attended the event with her son frater esticus Veikko Kalep and whose husband, Veljo Kalep had also been a member of Estica. One might say that the Amicitia-Estica Christmas event turned out to be one “helle-va” party!