One of Ehatare’s new quality programs is the Tovertafel Projector – Magic Table. Thanks to a very generous direct contribution from Ehatare family member Helle-Mai Reece, Ehatare acquired this interactive projector game system with 20 programs that encourages play. The various games promote physical movement, memory skills and therapeutic engagement. It is suitable for a large range of ages and abilities. “We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing” – Charles Schaefer. Ehatare residents can use this magic table together with family, friends, staff and volunteers.

Ehatare has always benefited from volunteers and is looking for more volunteers to share their time with residents by helping with their current activity schedule, by suggesting a new activity, sharing a talent or just chatting with them. Students can gain their community services hours at Ehatare by participating in meaningful programs in a positive environment. Reach out to learn more about how you can get involved: email info@ehatare.ca or call 416-284-0828 during business hours. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
Veronika Viinamäe, Executive Director