Telli Menüü

The Estonian version of “the stars and the stripes”

The stars of the Estonian ethnographic stripes that have appeared on the basement level
of the Estonian House are Maaja Matsoo and Maret Kapp, the former a member of the Estonian Ethnographic Society in Canada and the latter a member of the Friends of the Estonian House in Toronto, a group which consists of volunteers whose goal is to beautify the Estonian community's home on Broadview Avenue. The Ethographic Society and Friends of Esto House joint project is right on schedule and will be completed in time for the community's 5th annual Estonian Christmas party on Saturday, December 10th. Come and enjoy the party anytime between 12 o'clock noon and 4 PM. Come and share your impressions of the "Pühalepa Kassari Esiküla" stripes. The December 10th multifaceted family Christmas celebration, the brainchild of the Estonian Foundation of Canada, has something for everyone from new-borns to centenarians!

On behalf of EERK, EM Sõbrad and the ESK Christmas Committee.
Ellen Leivat

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