DRUM ROLL PLEASE … $49,000 raised as of March 31, 2023!!
Our heartfelt thanks to the community that has supported this initiative so far and put their money and their hearts into making this dream a reachable reality. But do not fear! There is plenty of time left to give! This month, we are challenging the campers who went to Seedrioru in the 1980’s and 1990’s to contribute to the campaign.
REMINDER: Draw to be held on June 24, 2023 at Suvihari
Grand Prize: Two (2) prizes of 1 week of camp for a child of camp age
1st prize – Seedrioru hall rental
2nd prize – Two (2) prizes of a sauna night for 15 people at our beautiful Seedrioru Saun
3rd prize – A weekend stay at the Koldetare (2 nights!)

Here are a few memories shared by two former campers and a councillor from these decades:
• “I remember piling into one bed during a thunderstorm with our kasvataja who happened to be my ema. Many of the people I was a mudilane with are still some of my best friends today!” MB
• “As a kasvataja, I fondly recall a cottage neighbour across from the vanamaja, Härni Käärid, who would walk over with his accordion in the evening to lullabye the mudilased to sleep. His spirited performance left the children in awe of his talent and devilish smile. Härni left such an impression with the campers that they’d always keep their eyes searching for him the next day with the hopes of seeing him.” SA
• “Your first introduction to camp life is at the little farmhouse. There are such vivid memories of the giant sandbox and play sets. So much happens on those unhurried walks up and down the road to catch up with the big kids – songs, games, stopping to investigate bugs, and watching the flags fly in the wind. Think back to your earliest camp memories and the magic. Let’s continue the tradition for the next generation!” AT

The oldest building on the property is the Red House which is over 100 years old. It was formerly the Martin family home, well loved and well used before it took on a new purpose. And a new dream! Our parents and grandparents envisioned a place that the little campers would learn about their culture and community. Already two generations of mudilased have come and gone, and Seedrioru’s Red House is experiencing a huge wave of 3rd generation 4 to 6 year olds. Last year we reached a record high of campers in the Red House!
When we think about renovation, it is the process of improving broken, damaged or outdated structures (Wikipedia). But additionally, renovation can refer to making something new or bringing something back to life and can apply to social contexts. For example, a community can be renovated if it is strengthened, revived and restored to a former, better state.
We are committed to continuing this dream. We continue to come, to gather, to be a community at Seedrioru; to strengthen this community; to restore it to a better state. Together we can make this happen but we need all of you to make this dream a reality.
If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.
Won’t you join us to go the distance?
Elagu Seedrioru!
How to donate:
If no tax receipt is required, please send by E-transfer to Treasurer@seedrioru.com
or by cheque to: Estonian Summer Camp Society
c/o Rein Pertens (treasurer)
145 Little John Rd
Dundas, ON L9H 4H2 and enter ‘Red House’ at the bottom left corner