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The Toomes, golf, Collingwood and friends – a good summertime mixture

On Saturday July 26, about 80 golfers and their friends descended upon the Toome family compound in Collingwood to participate in a golf tournament, Elvis sightings and for just plain fun.

Although the day was overcast and mugggy, the rain and thunderstorms held off until late in the evening
after golf prizes had been distributed and dinner was concluded.

Front row, Team Dollarama - Jaanu Teene, Peter Birkenbaum, Erik Silmberg, Glen Henderson; Back row, Team Muhu - Priit Nikker, Mikk Toome, Peeter Nieländer, Robert Trei

Tied for first place in the golf tournament, with excellent scores of 79, were 17 year old Nic Later, [father Larry, grandfather Hugo], and Joseph McGrath who last year was lucky enough to marry Katrina Niitsoo.

Other prize winners were: ladies lowest score Helle Arro, longest drive Harrison Vogrin, closest to the pins Valdeko Novek, Harri Rannala, Tarmo Lõbu, Peeter Põldre, fewest putts Peter Birkenbaum, and most honest Glen Henderson.
The golf event was also highlighted by the Muhu and Dollarama foursomes' outfits.

Many sightings of Elvises were also recorded; some were short, some tall, some skinny, some pudgy, but no one saw a
hair challenged Elvis!

The day concluded with a lightning and thunder show over Georgian Bay as Tarmo strummed his guitar, with the thunderous finale being lightning and thunder over host Peeter Toome's villa.

The following day some hardened survivours also participated in Pr.Viinamäe's 90th birthday celebration a short way down Oliver Cresent. Nothing unusual happened, meaning everyone had a grand time!




Fotogalerii – Fotod Roosi Lindau

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