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Toomas Hendrik Ilves announced as Honorary Chair of Estonian Centre Capital Campaign

President Toomas Hendrik Ilves (keskel) Stanfordis toimunud Vabamu rändnäituse „Masters of Our Own Homes: Estonia at 100“ avamisel - foto: Taavi Tamtik (2018)

The project team is very pleased to announce that Former President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who served the country for a decade from 2006 – 2016, is lending his support by acting as the Honorary Chair of the Capital Campaign for the Estonian Centre Project.

The Estonian Centre will be the first new facility built in the 21st century in North America dedicated to the promotion of Estonia and the sharing of its language and culture.

More details on the Capital Campaign will be available soon. Please check the website at and connect with our Facebook page.

For information about making a donation to the Estonian Centre Capital Campaign, please contact Urve Tamberg at

Vabariigi Presidendi Kantselei
Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia

Dear friends,
It gives me great pleasure to serve as Honourary Chair for the capital campaign in support of the new International Estonian Centre to be built in Toronto, Canada.

The new International Estonian Centre will inspire and be a source of pride for Estonia’s largest diaspora community, and a home away from home for those with Estonian roots across North America and beyond.

This is the biggest project that our Estonian diaspora has undertaken in over 50 years. The Centre envisions a flagship building that showcases our culture and heritage and facilitates entrepreneurial and business opportunities with Estonia while also providing space for the programming of the local vibrant community.

I am proud to be part of this exciting initiative, and encourage Estonians from far and wide to support the International Estonian Centre. I look forward to the opening of the Centre, and the prominence it will bring to Estonia and Estonians.

Toomas H. Ilves
Former President of the Republic of Estonia (2006-2016)


Download here: Letter of Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia

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