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Toronto Estonian Chess Club Began it’s 66th Year of Activity With a Spring Tournament

The Toronto Estonian Chess Club started the year with a 5 round Active Swiss system tournament (30 minutes per player)on April 24th, at Tartu College . Eight men entered the tournament with the hope of winning at the "Game of Kings". The tournament was exciting. There was a lot of blood-letting. Pawn sacrifices, knight forks, passed pawns, blundered away pieces and ultimately checkmates dominated the day. After the dust settled only one man remained undefeated. Farhad Bokaee won first place with a perfect score of 5 points. This is Farhad's first time winning this event. Second place went to Jaak Järve with 4 points and third place went to Mati Saastamoinen with 3 points.
Eight men who play chess. From left to right: Mikk Mölder, Jaak Triefeldt, Michael Celia, Brandon Iannuzzi, Mati Saastamoinen, Alar Petersoo, Farhad Bokaee and Jaak Järve.

The rest of the field results are as follows:
Alar Petersoo 2 points
Brandon Ianuzzi 2 points
Jaak Triefeldt 2 points
Mikk Möider 1 point
Michael Celia 1 point

The Toronto Estonian Chess Club wants to thank Jaak Triefeldt for arranging the university student's rooms Korp! Revelia and Eesti Üliõpilaste Seltsi for our use during the day.

The Toronto Estonian Chess Club will be holding a simultaneous tournament at this year's Suvehari, near Elora, on June 25, 2016. Our chess members will play all interested players from 12:00- 3:00 pm.
The next active tournament will in November of this year. If you are interested in playing chess and participating in our tournaments please contact Jaak Jarve at 416-222-9445 or email jaakjarve@aol.com

Jaak Järve

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