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Introducing “Community Unwrapped: Where Are They Now?”

Time passes but memories linger. Close your eyes. Think. Remember the days you spent under the sun at Estonian summer camp? How good it felt to jump into the cool lake after sweating it out in the sauna? How the heat of the bonfire kissed your cheeks goodnight? Maybe you went to Estonian school, learned folk dance and conjugations, or braved sub-zero temperatures at winter camp, the bellowing laughter from you and your friends keeping you warm. Maybe you did it all. Regardless of how extensive your participation was in the community growing up, one thing is for sure: these friendships will last a lifetime.

But sometimes the reality is that they can be difficult to maintain. Life is hectic. People grow older and fall out of touch. Maybe the person you once shared a bunk bed with at summer camp now lives an ocean away from you.

Follow along as we sit down with guests at their workplaces, homes, or favourite café as they discuss the life updates you haven’t yet heard…

To close this gap and foster connections, Eesti Elu is starting a new video interview series. Through candid conversation and homemade style videos, Community Unwrapped: Where Are They Now? reveals all the exciting paths and pursuits your friends from the community have embarked on since your youth. Follow along as we sit down with guests at their workplaces, homes, or favourite café as they discuss the life updates you haven’t yet heard—from the ins and outs of starting a sustainable fashion brand to professionally photographing music festivals, we’re getting the real scoop. You heard it here first.

The first interview of this series will be with Sylvi Oja (pictured below), talking about her job in fashion—stay tuned for this!

This article was written by Natalie Jenkins as part of the Local Journalism Initiative.

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