I wish to tell you a story from personal experience about Gordon’s influence around the world in the darkest of times. My only regret is that I never told Gordon this story. I am sure he would have liked my story, maybe even written another song about it. Also, it is personal, so please bear with me if I get a bit emotional telling it.
In 1972, in the depths of the Cold War, Gordon recorded the album Don Quixote. The tune to one song resonated with a good friend of mine, a talented singer and songwriter, passed away now much too soon. (Priit Aruvald)
By way of background, I should hasten to add that my heritage and my friend’s is Estonian, both of us born in Canada, but both sets of our parents fled the Russians in September of 1944. (Sort of like Ukraine, but who’s counting.) About 100,000 Estonians, out of a population of 1.3 million fled Estonia, half to Sweden, half to Germany. Sweden was neutral and the better place to go. Regardless, whoever was able immigrated further to Canada, the US, Australia or elsewhere in the next few years.
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